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Author Guidelines


1. Manuscripts must be written in English and should be submitted on paper and in electronic form.

  • Hard copies in triplicate should be sent to:
  • The Editor, The Philippine Review of Economics, Rm. 232, School of Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, 1101.
  • Electronic versions of the text should be in MS Word format. All graphs should be in MS Excel format, supplemented with the source data table. Soft copies may be sent in a CD or e-mailed to

2. Submission of a manuscript shall be understood by the PRE as indicating that the manuscript is not under consideration for publication in other journals or publications.


1. Manuscripts must be typed double spaced on one side of short (8.5 x 11) size bond paper. The entire manuscript should be no more than 40 pages.

2. The front page of the manuscript should have all of the following:

  • title of the paper,
  • names, affiliations, telephone & fax numbers and e-mail addresses of all authors,
  • abstract (no more than 150 words)
  • at least one classification code according to the Classification System for Journal Articles as used by the Journal of Economic Literature
  • a list of 3-4 key words.

3. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in the text.

4. Section headings should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). Subheadings should follow the double numeration system (1.1., 1.2., etc.) while sub-subheadings follow the triple numeration system (1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc.). All headings are to be left-aligned and in bold. All other text must have no special formatting/style, except for emphasis.

5. Illustrations, figures, and tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals, accompanied by titles and sources, and supplied on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript. Insertion points (or place holders) should be indicated within the text.

6. Mathematical notations. All equations should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Whenever possible, fractions should be expressed as x/y or x/(y+z) instead of x/y+z.

7. References. A list of references is to be provided at the end of the text. The author should ensure one-to-one correspondence between the names and years in the text and those on the list.

The list of references should be in accordance with the following format: author's (or editor's) family name first, followed by the personal initial(s); this is followed by the date of publication of the work, enclosed in brackets, the title of the work, and details of publication. Here are some examples:

Alonzo, R. [2002] "The economic freedom index: a review", Philippine Review of Economics 39(1): 72-102.

Chipman, J. [2000] "Intra-industry trade in a log-linear model", Accessed 26 November 2002.

de Dios, E. and H. Esfahani [2001] "Centralisation, political turnover, and investment in the Philippines" in: J. E. Campos, ed., Corruption: the boom and bust of East Asia. Quezon City: Ateneo University Press: 101-130.

Isay, R. [1935] "Mining law" in Encyclopedia of the social sciences 10: 513-517.

Krugman, P. and M. Obstfeld [1994] International economics: theory and practice. Third Edition. New York: Harper Collins.

Sicat, G.P. [2004] "Reforming the Philippine labor market," upse Discussion Paper No. DP2004-04, University of the Philippines School of Economics.

United Nations Development Programme (undp) [1996] Human development report. New York: Oxford University Press.

References to publications in text should follow: "According to Danao [2001] ..." or "(e.g., Danao [2001], de Dios [2002])." or "(Danao [2001]; de Dios [2002])."


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The Philippine Review of Economics is protected by Philippine copyright laws. Articles appearing herein may be reproduced for personal use but not for mass circulation. To reprint an article from The Review, permission from the editor must be sought.


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